20+ Years Experience

Specialist Straight Stairlifts

Straight Stairlifts

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Straight stairlifts blend functionality with modern design, ensuring a discreet addition to your living space while offering a newfound sense of space and accessibility.

These brilliantly crafted devices are tailored for straight staircases, providing a smooth and reliable means of traversing between different levels effortlessly.

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Why Choose Us?

Our straight stairlifts are designed with utmost reliability in mind. We understand the importance of a smooth and dependable ride up and down the stairs, ensuring you can count on your stairlift whenever you need it.

Why Choose Us?

Your safety is our top priority. Our straight stairlifts are equipped with advanced safety features, including secure harnesses, obstacle-detection safety sensors, and easy-to-use remote controls throughout.

So you can count on us to provide you or your loved one with a reliable stairlift that provides them with cost-effective maximum comfort and safety.

Straight Stairlift Benefits

Installing a straight stairlift in your home has many benefits some of these include:


The main advantage of straight stairlifts is that they provide a convenient and safe way for people with mobility issues to get up and down the stairs in their homes.


Installing a straight stairlift allows users to maintain their independence.

They can move between different levels of their own home, without relying on assistance, promoting a sense of autonomy.


In comparison to curved stairlifts, straight stairlifts are often more budget-friendly.

This makes them a practical choice for individuals looking for a cost-effective solution to enhance mobility within their homes.


While designed for straight staircases, these lifts can still be customised to meet individual needs.

Adjustable seat heights, swivel seats, and other customisation options ensure a tailored experience for users.

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Straight Stairlift Cost

The average cost of a straight stairlift is around £2,000 – £4,000 this range is dependent on many factors such as the brand of the stairlift, features and installation requirements.

For further information and more accurate costs get in touch with our team today for a free no obligation quote!

Straight Stairlift Cost

What Influences the Cost of a Straight Stairlift?

Many factors can influence the cost of a straight stairlift some of these include:

Types of Straight Stairlifts We Offer

We offer various types of straight stairlifts some of these include:

New Straight Stairlifts

New straight stair lifts have the latest technological advancements that have sleeker designs, quieter operation, and enhanced safety features

The installation process has also become more efficient, minimising disruption to your home.

Reconditioned Straight Stairlifts

Reconditioned straight stair lifts are a cost-effective and practical solution for individuals seeking accessibility in their homes.

These stairlifts have undergone a thorough refurbishment process to ensure they meet high standards of safety and performance.

Bespoke Straight Stairlifts

Bespoke straight stair lifts are a tailored solution for individuals seeking personalised mobility assistance within their homes.

These stairlifts are custom-designed to fit the specific dimensions and layout of a straight staircase, providing a seamless and efficient means of traversing different levels.

Straight Stairlifts vs Curved Stairlifts

Here’s a comparison between straight stairlifts and curved stairlifts:

Straight Stair Lifts

Straight stair lifts are tailored for straight stairs with a simple, linear trajectory. These lifts are a practical choice when the stairs follow a straight path without any turns or curves.

The installation of a straight stairlift is relatively straightforward, making it a more cost-effective option compared to its curved counterparts.

They are a popular choice for homes with a single, straight flight of stairs, providing a seamless and efficient solution for users who need assistance in ascending or descending such staircases.

Straight Stairlifts vs Curved Stairlifts

Curved Stairlifts

Curved stairlifts are engineered to navigate stairs with twists, turns, or landings. Unlike straight stair lifts, which move linearly, curved stairlifts are customised to follow the specific contours of curved staircases.

This tailor-made design ensures a precise fit to suit the unique shape of the stairs, providing users with a smooth and continuous ride throughout the entire ascent or descent.

While curved stairlifts are often pricier due to their additional features and customised nature, they offer the invaluable benefit of accessibility for individuals with more complex staircase configurations in their homes.

If you are looking for a Curved stairlift installer get in touch with our team today for a free no-obligation quote on your curved stairlift.

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“We used Straight Stair Lifts to install my mum’s stairlift in her home, she has a straight staircase and they installed the stairlift effortlessly and seamlessly. My mum is very happy with her stairlift and it has made getting up and down the stairs a lot easier would recommend”

“After researching various options, we chose Straight Stair lifts for our straight stair lift installation, and it was the best decision. The installation was quick, the team was friendly, and the stairlift worked like a charm. It’s allowed our elderly family member to maintain their independence at home, and we’re grateful for the quality and reliability of this product.”

“The team was professional and efficient during the installation, and the stairlift itself is sturdy, comfortable, and easy to use. It’s given our family peace of mind knowing that our loved one can navigate the stairs safely.”


Are My Stairs Right for a Straight Stair Lift?

To determine if your stairs are suitable for a straight stair lift, you need to consider if your staircase is a simple, uninterrupted straight line without any curves, turns, or landings.

If your stairs meet this criteria, then a straight stair lift should work well for you. It’s a practical solution for maintaining mobility when dealing with a single, straight flight of stairs.

If you still aren’t sure if your stairs will fit a stairlift we can offer a free home survey where our experts can determine what model will suit your needs.

straight stairlift FAQ'S

How Long Does It Take to Fit a Straight Stairlift?

The average time to install a stairlift is around 6 hours.

Since the stairlift track is being fitted along straight lines it is a more straightforward process than any other stairlift installation.

How Long Do Straight Stairlifts Last?

On average, you can expect a well-maintained straight stairlift to last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs can help extend its lifespan.

If you’re considering getting one, it’s always a good idea to check the manufacturer’s recommendations and warranty information for more precise details.


Straight stair lifts are a practical solution for individuals with mobility challenges, especially in homes with straight staircases.

These devices are designed to assist people in comfortably navigating stairs, providing a safe and convenient way to move between different levels of a home.

If you think having a straight stair lift installed is the right option for you get in touch with our team today for a free home survey and a free no-obligation quote.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great straight stairlift services.

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What Others Say About Our Services

"The team was professional and efficient during the installation, and the stairlift itself is sturdy, comfortable, and easy to use. It's given our family peace of mind knowing that our loved one can navigate the stairs safely."

Elliot Anderson
Greater London

"After researching various options, we chose Straight Stair lifts for our straight stair lift installation, and it was the best decision. The installation was quick, the team was friendly, and the stairlift worked like a charm. It's allowed our elderly family member to maintain their independence at home, and we're grateful for the quality and reliability of this product."

Cameron Young
Greater London

For more information on straight stairlifts, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.

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